Monday, March 5, 2012

Ash Wednesday

So I don't know about you but this whole "20 something" out of college age has sort of been tough. There have been a lot of ups and downs over the past few years. But I will say as I near the later years of my twenties... I am feeling better about who I am. I am trying to be content where I am in life without wishing for more or regretting past decisions.

But I will say one thing that has been a huge factor in that has been my faith.  More specifically a sermon I heard a few months back while at Ginghamsburg Church given by Nick.  It was one of those sermons that when I left my mom said... that was meant for you! And boy was it...... something sort of profound and yet so simple... that sometimes what we are called to do we just have to do.... maybe it isn't your day job, or even pays the bills...but it fulfills us and that is enough.

It seems for me a common reoccurring theme in that I couldn't find a paying job that fulfilled me creatively.  And I feel like I searched for that mythical career for the past few years, and over and over again I would be disappointed.

So anyway... it was my mom who inspired me to contact Ginghamsburg and see if I could offer my artistic skills.

A few weeks ago I timidly went to Ash Wednesday service to take pictures (as requested). I was so nervous, and I will say I wish I would have gotten closer and have tried some different setting on my camera.... but to my surprise they liked the pictures.  So I will take this as a learning experience and press on.

1 comment:

  1. These are great, Kate! Inspired to use my gifts because you took a risk. Thanks and way to be brave. :)
